
The music direction is a non-classifiable musician that does not fit into any category. A little bit metal, dash of pop, a gram of glam, touch of goth, some punk undertones, sprinkle of comedy, and a hint of blues. I know … what the #*%!? Exactly the point. Hell, there’s even gonna be detectable traces of grunge and country in the mix too. One weird assortment of music, from a different sort of musician.

In The Beginning

Starting out with music truly began in 1992. There was previous knowledge in playing with one song, House Of The Rising Sun (first song ever played) however it really got no further until 1992. That was when over at a friends house for a jam session (with no intent to jam, just to listen) one of the guitarists had to leave while learning an Alice In Chains song Dam That River. As he was leaving I picked up a guitar and figured it seemed easy enough and began playing it from what I was looking at. And a simple act as that was what began the whole musical thing … and began being truly playing alternative rock.

Playing others songs was ok, yet it wasn’t really inspiring. As rapper Ice-T once said in an interview … being as good as someone is not good enough, you have to be better. That and the fact you can never be as good as the original, and trying to beat out your idols is counter productive. Basically, it all boils down to the saying “don’t duplicate … originate”. Playing all original music is what the band does.

The Lamia’s Lust namesake

Lamias Lust the name was made in the year 1994. It came by way of somehow hearing of the name Lamia by some spiritual voice within. It was like someone said it, yet not a soul was around at the time. There had to be a reason for it, and with no previous knowledge of the name research was done instantly. After finding out that Lamia was a Goddess, and the background of her was discovered it so fit what the band was about … and fit perfectly with the soul member of the band. It needed more than just Lamia to fill it out, and Lust being the deepest of the desire words (and is fitting with the all or nothing attitude) it was perfect. Combined Lamias Lust and the name was born.

The Reality of the Faux Side

In the beginning of the Faux Side, 2001, I started on the web under the name Amanda Faux. The first site I had was a free homepage on Yahoo’s Geocities. Just from a couple pictures and self promoting I had done, it became so popular that I put up a coinciding fan club, which later became part of the Yahoo groups. It wasn’t long after that my site was going over bandwidth allotted for the free hosted site, that I took things one step further and started with my very first dot com pay site. Yes, pay site is what your thinking, I had an R-rated site. I learned a lot from doing that, not only in website building, production and promotions, but it also gave me a sense of actually doing something that I was good at. I did really enjoy that at the time. Not only the website aspect of it, seeing one of my dreams come true, but also meeting some of the girls that do their own websites. I never had one bad experience ever in the business end of the porn field. In fact, a couple of them I became really good friends with and still contact to this day. By the way, if any of you are thinking of joining and or subscribing to one of those pay sites, make sure it’s owned and operated by the girls themselves. Support independence and support the stars of the cyber screen directly. The downfall of this area was when I was heading to Hollywood to try my luck at getting into the blue screen, and become a star of the movies. I actually had a contract waiting for 4 film box set, and just needed to pass the casting couch to get it. But, this was a post 911 world and the border was too strict to cross and I never made it. I felt stuck, and unsatisfied that the future could go no further. It was good in retrospect, I mean I had a site making enough money to live on and then some, and towards the end a fan club of over 20,000 people (one of Yahoo’s largest groups in the adult transsexual area), but even that left me wanting more. I obsessed and depressed on this to the point I didn’t even feel like updating or carrying on because I couldn’t see the good because the brighter lights blinded me to reality.

That lead to 2003 when one end transitioned towards a new beginning. New starts can be good, however still blinded by the bright star dreams lights, this was a regression into my dark place. To know the dark place I speak of, one has to know the path that got me there. I have had issues with eating ever since the age of 10 years old, and around the time I was 17 to 18 years old it had progressed into various eating disordered patterns and behaviors. Some roads will be forever unknown, I shall never speak of those trails. The journey towards the dark did begin at 10, when I was poked in the belly called fat and laughed at by a whole class including the teacher. Nobody really knows or understands how much that hurt me then, and set the stage for my life. I swore I never wanted to hear those hurtful words ever again and began doing things to try and be thin and slim. I had no idea that I was heading towards an eating disorder at an unstoppable rate. I began to have trust issues too and isolated, went from the one who never stopped talking to the one who never spoke in an instant. A lot of what triggered me as well was the fact I was constantly told who I was, what I could and could not do, and no matter what I did it wasn’t good enough. Up until this point I would not wish that area of my life on anyone. It’s been hell getting this far, and even though I know who and what I am now, I have a feeling the easy ride of life is still no where near the future.

The eating disorder sites of mine began in 2003 when I felt all these pressures and stresses coming back to me, and I needed to know that I wasn’t alone. I heard of proana through a news article and thought yeah, help to loose weight no matter what I went to check it out right away. Joined my first forum and was met with the most hostile unfriendly people ever. It was extremely cliquish back then, and I got blasted out for not being disordered enough, not being thin enough, and that made me so much more triggered and upset that I left in tears. I came around later and thought why does anyone want to be part of that and why isn’t something done about it. I knew I was good at web stuff so I decided to start my first eating disorder support site. It became one of the most innovative sites of its kind, not being preachy recovery, and not being fiendishly extreme dieting, it actually supported the people the way it should of always been, in ways not even the professional places could ever do. Currently I still have two ed support sites and forums that are still running to this very day, and some of those are among the most popular ones on the internet.

Why the change?

Fast forward to 2024. A little bit older, and a little bit wiser. Things change, people change and times change a lot. Rebooting with the old seemed to be not in the best interest of creativity. Lets be honest, Lamia is a demonic deity, Lust is purely sexual in nature. Demonism and sexualism leaves a very limited scope of what one can do. Fun stuff, high energy dance styles, quirky catchy tracks … it’s just not realistic to do those with a name like that. Nor is poetry of love, disorders, or most things. Mandi (and Amanda) Faux is a namesake known for one thing only, R-rated content. Change was needed to something that is just, not necessarily better, just more reflective and less constrictive.

KK is thee way

Katchi Kumi. Katchi means sassy, wild, uninhibited. Kumi means long time, beauty. A perfectly refined musical moniker. Sounds almost like an anime character, and anime can be literally anything, which is where I draw new inspiration from. I love when things are pure now, and honestly kinda hate that some sexualize everything, when not everything is about that. In fact very little really is. Emotions are what is real. A quote of mine is “if it makes you feel then you know it is real” Beauty? Well if you like it then it is. Yeah, the new and continual direction is a combination of all of that. No inhibitions, just something that I hope you will like, and as much today, tomorrow, next week, month, year, and decades down the road.

Throughout the years there has been many recordings done of just musical songs, and various written works of lyrics without backing tracks. Currently they are all being run through again to launch Katchi Kumi into a whole new realm. The Lamia’s Lust tracks will also be here in raw form too. This website will be the official home of that, and the connection to outside world. After all, what is the point of doing it all and keeping it to yourself? Exactly.

Hope you enjoy what Katchi Kumi has to offer at the present time, and will continue to return for further updates and information. Please do join the socials to keep in touch, and to have direct interaction with Katchi Kumi.

Quotable Quotes

  • Cherish each moment of every single day, for in that same moment the moment slips away.
  • Nobody is perfect, so who the hell wants to be a nobody.
  • It is not how much you give nor how much you receive, it’s the lives you touch because of what you believe.
  • Don’t be a second rate version of someone else when you can be a first class original of yourself.
  • Who will remember your name, when you played someone else’s game?
  • If it makes one feel, then you know it is real.
  • If the future is ever clouded in doubt, just think free and clear to make things work out.
  • If in your heart you know it is right, then in your head your strong enough to fight.
  • Taking the bad and turning it into good, wrongs a right and makes things as they should.
  • Things that come easy and happen fast are only temporary and never last.
  • Never make tomorrows zero into today’s hero.
  • Be true to yourself in all that you do, and the success of your endeavors will reflect positively back to you.
  • When your feeling down, sad and low … remember good things and get with that flow.
  • When the obsession of fading becomes stronger every day, soon that obsession will be the one that fades away.
  • When evil has that glamorous appeal, is when you have to meet the reaper to know that he is real.
  • United we stand, divided we fall. Together we are stronger for love conquers all.
  • Believe in yourself and make your dreams real. In the store of life shop for the very best deal. Take control of your metaphoric gun. Take aim and shoot for only number one.
  • Everybody is somebody to someone.
  • “It was night, all alone in my own private world where only I can see the light upon me. The darkness, it doesn’t hide shadows, it embraces them as one. But day comes and the shadows return, separated by the light, showing illusions of what’s not real. I can see what’s not there, and know things before me do not exist.”

The Gear Zone

  • Guitars: Dean, B.C. Rich, Ltd
  • Effects: Boss
  • Cables: Yorkville Studio One
  • Keyboards: Yamaha, Casio
  • Interface: M-Audio
  • DAW: FL Studio
  • Virtual Synths (paid): Synthmaster, Massive, FM8, Addictive Keys, Icarus
  • Virtual Synths (free): Kee Bass, Analog Lab, Voltage Modular, Zebralette, Pneumonia Pro